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Bot War - Mercenaries

Bot War - Mercenaries

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Day 3 - Blocking in

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The ugly stages continue, sorry, but these stages are necessities to be able to get the bots to a point where I can then start to work on them individually.

For my painting today I just started blocking in some of the other colours that will feature on the bots, namely the light greys and dark greys.

The light grey is Vallejo Game Color Extra Opaque warm grey. This paint is featured on every single one of my Bot War minis, and almost always as part of the internal frame or under armour which gives my whole collection some cohesion. Applying this now at such an early stage will really help me understand the armour shapes and colour. When a whole model is in one colour it can get a bit confusing and you can lose focus of the overall shape. It also helps to create a more honest colour for the green armour as the colours that surround it can change the way our brains read the green.


Day 3 - Blocking in

The next colour I used was vallejo model colour German grey, this was used to block in some of the darker areas such as internal parts of the caterpillar tracks, weapons, tyres etc. This was done for the same reason as above to help break up the sections of the model for me to know what needs to be worked on and to also provide a truer colour for the green armour.


Day 3 - Blocking in

The last thing I wanted to do today was to plan out the next stages for the actual armour.

Ever since I started painting Bot War I have been getting more and more Privateer Press Formula P3 paints, and they almost always get used on my bots. I like their consistency, their opacity, and they have a nice vibrancy which I feel suits the 80s cartoon inspiration for the minis.

So the colours I’ve picked out to use with the creed camo+snakebite leather base are:

  • Thornwood Green
  • Traitor Green
  • Thrall Flesh
  • Bogg Moss

This gives me a decent colour range to play with, with the Bogg Moss being the most saturated of the 4. I may add in another saturated green as I start to figure out my scheme.

Tomorrow I shall start to have a play with these paints and work out the direction to take the armour in.

Day 3 - Blocking in
Day 3 - Blocking in

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