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Stargrave Crews

Stargrave Crews

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Start of Stargrave Nonsense

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Start of Stargrave Nonsense

So, as noted in the about, I’m going for four crews in total, and the inspiration is Ninja Pirate Zombie Robot trope (from TV Tropes). Two crews to start, to get playing.

My first crew, Dinos, are partly done; three complete, a trooper, a ‘guard dog’ and my captain, but most of the others have some paint on them, and they’re all assembled and kitbashed where necessary and can be seen in the banner image.

Second crew (above) is Cowboys, and I have seven of them, with six more on the way. I’m using the Robert Younger and Cole Younger from Wild West Exodus (with some replacement of Robert’s knives for twin bolt pistols) as my captain and first mate, as they’re significantly taller than the rest, a collection of Texico MERCS. I plan to mount the Exodus figures on flat metal discs and the Texico on normal bases to cheat the heights closer together.

Third crew is planned to be the Corvus Belli Infinity JSA figs as sci-fi ninjas, but I’m working on bestiary and two crews first before I worry about them. Some of those figures are impressively awesome, though.

I don’t know for sure what my fourth will be. I have a friend who has bought 1950s style retrofuture robots, and space pirates, zombies and aliens are kinda part of the setting. Princesses? Werewolves? Vampires? That last one seems particular silly; hard to avoid the sun in space… Feel free to offer suggestions!

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