Annihilation Looms
Round 5 - Combat
The Rebels had retaken the initiative and all eyes were on Jyn to see if her nerve would hold. Though one suppression had cleared automatically at the end of the previous turn, Krennic’s devious orders had placed two further suppression counters in the orders phase, for a total of eight!
… But this time the dice would be on Jyn’s side. She cleared four and was back in the game, all be it with a single activation. Jyn’s panic last turn had placed her conveniently behind cover and though this made a charge out of the question, it didn’t stop her taking down two of the remaining Shoretroopers with her A-180 Pistol.
In retaliation the imperial scout sniper, who had been working his way around the edge of the battlefield, targeted Jyn wounding her for a second time.
But this was going to be a punishing turn for the imperials who were compelled to break cover by their merciless leader. The remaining Hoth troopers were wiped out by the few remaining rebels. Cassian Sniped two of the scouts, making short work of their cover thanks to his marksman ability.
The Wookiee leader continued to slug it out with the crew of the E-Web but their superior armour kept them in the fight with a single wound remaining. The southern Shoretrooper unit and Deathtroopers fared better, making it into the cover of the central pipe system.
Krennic, impatient for victory broke cover to drive his men forward and it was then that the Rebels played their ace Card. K-2S0, who had remained silent for much of the battle now opened fire on the Imperial leader, taking him out of the fight!
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