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Silver Bayonet

Silver Bayonet

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The battle report!

Tutoring 15
Skill 15
Idea 15
Had a great time playing our first game. We played scenario 2 The Revenants. We set up at Dark Sphere in London Shepherd's Bush. I provided the painted minis and the burnt out building and the shop provided the rest of the terrain. We dipped into the books plenty, but the book is pretty well laid out and we both really enjoyed the experience.Had a great time playing our first game. We played scenario 2 The Revenants. We set up at Dark Sphere in London Shepherd's Bush. I provided the painted minis and the burnt out building and the shop provided the rest of the terrain. We dipped into the books plenty, but the book is pretty well laid out and we both really enjoyed the experience.
The battle report!
The battle report!
The battle report!
The battle report!
The battle report!
The battle report!
The battle report!
Took way too many risks with my British force and it ended in a massacre stood over the artifact. Awful dice rolls throughout. Double 1s on my Rifleman. Officer knocked out on turn 2. Messy loss, but so much fun and minis and the terrain looked cool. Can't wait to play again.Took way too many risks with my British force and it ended in a massacre stood over the artifact. Awful dice rolls throughout. Double 1s on my Rifleman. Officer knocked out on turn 2. Messy loss, but so much fun and minis and the terrain looked cool. Can't wait to play again.

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sundancerdugthefug1644nightrunner Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Very enjoyable. I also like the terrain and playing area.

Cult of Games Member

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