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The second Line

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
1 Comment

DBx Bases: 44 + 7
15mm Spears: 119
DBA Corps: 1
Saga Points: 6

Here’s the thing about most Hoplites from the Classical Greek City-States – they were not professional soldiers. Certainly, small corps of professionals did exist in certain places – the Epilektoi were a standing regiment in cities like Athens, Argos, and Thebes, and Thebes also created the Sacred Band to strengthen their army, but the majority of the Hoplites in the Phalanx were regular citizens. Citizens who could afford afford the Panopoly of a Hoplite warrior generally numbered around 1/3 of the total population, and since they were mainly artisans or farmers, they generally did not have that much standardised training – although some cities did offer a training program called the Ephebos where young men served the state for a couple of years and formed a standing millita.

This, of course does not apply to the Spartans, and their whole Agoge thing…

Basically, this means that as well as the usual Phalanx, there were also lighter Peripoloi in an army – if not of the younger warriors, you could also see conscripted troops equipped fairly lightly by the state to bulk the ranks. Its this latter option I can see being used to create the next lot of troops for the Athenians – in this case, they’re rowers on the ships who have been given a shield, spear and dagger, maybe a helmet, and told to get in the battle line.

The second Line

I’m actually quite liking these bases – the lack of armour means that their tunic colours are on full display, and combine that with their less uniform stances means they really do stand out as lesser troops compared to the main Hoplite bases. The other thing I like/dislike is the troop that is facing a different way to his comrades. I dislike it from an asthetic perspective because it breaks the shield wall, but I like it from a modelling perspective because it makes it easier to rank up the bases: the previous set I had to modify after my first games as the shield on the left end of the base had a tendency to impact on models on the next base over. But again, they’re less well trained troops, so…ok…

Meanwhile on the 28mm front:

The second Line

A mix of medium and light hoplites (from the perspective of Mortal Gods) was what I was aiming for – my next goal is to get enough models together to finalise an into set for Mortal Gods that I can take to some of my local clubs, so getting some of these lighter troops has been a bit of a priority for me. Its also why I’m going to be doing some Athenian missile troops before too long.

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