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Judge Dredd: The Graveyard (Spring Clean)

Judge Dredd: The Graveyard (Spring Clean)

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Project Entry by LordSanes Cult of Games Member

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The Scenario

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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So obviously normal people would show off the mini’s right now but it’s dark and photography is hard so instead I will show you how I’m going to generate the scenario I will play.


Firstly Warlord released the solo rules for Judge Dredd called the Graveyard shift, I downloaded them and took a look. For generating a campaign you are supposed to print out the cards in the back of the book and just draw them to generate your scenario. I don’t have a printer therefore this is difficult.


Google documents are easy and so are actual sets of cards

A picture of some text. Exciting stuff. I added some colour, including a perfectly drawn ClubA picture of some text. Exciting stuff. I added some colour, including a perfectly drawn Club

So all I need to do now is find a pack of cards and draw the appropriate cards…however as previously stated, photography is hard and internet is easy.

So I made the internet do it


The fates have decidedThe fates have decided

So the name of the incident is Tap gang. Now that is selected its time to roll a d6 to pick the actual deployment of this one.


I got a 5 which means it is a rumble scenario.

The much nicer card from the book. I will print these out some day. I hopeThe much nicer card from the book. I will print these out some day. I hope

Now that we’ve got a feel for how this works I’m going to do the rest very much the same. I have 1 Perp card to draw (you always draw at least one) and a +1 from the incident.

After this I will Draw the support cards from the deck who will help my freshly minted judge against these creeps!

I’ve put the pictures below of my Perp deck and my Support deck


Perps: Sky Raiders and Punk Gang

Support: Dredd himself (should be a cakewalk)

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