Annihilation Looms
Round 3 - Combat
Now that battle had been joined, the Pathfinders and Shoretroopers to the South dug in and poured as much fire on the opposition as they could muster. With both units in cover, the Shoretroopers suffered a singles casualty while two more Pathfinder’s went down.
The Fleet Troopers opened fire on the remaining bike before it had a chance to activate, causing five hits which it failed miserably to save.
With the ‘covering fire’ of the Southern Shoretrooper unit and remaining Mortar, the Northern Shoretrooper unit and Dethtroopers were able to break cover and still benefit from aim tokens. This brought them closer to the objective while still contributing enough firepower to finish off the Fleet Troopers and fell another Wookiee Warrior.
Though the Rebels had taken heavy casualties, the Trooper unit previously occupied with uploading Intel, was now able to pull forward in support of Cassian and K2, bolstering the central objective.
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