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Legio Fortidus for Adeptus Titanicus

Legio Fortidus for Adeptus Titanicus

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First fully painted titan!

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
First fully painted titan!

I was able to play a demo game of Adeptus Titanicus a couple of months ago and I fell in love with the game system. It hits a lot of buttons for me with alternating activations, low model count, unit cards for damage tracking, big stompy robots! My first journey into miniature games, back when I was a young lad, was with ship combat games. Man o’ War from Games Workshop was favorite but there were many that my friends and I played. Adeptus Titanicus really has the feel of a navel combat game just with instead of battleships and cruisers you have various sized big robots stomping around the table.

First fully painted titan!

It took me a long time to pick a titan legion for my force to represent, there are so many to choose from! In the end I settled on Legio Fortidus for two reasons. The first was their color scheme or I guess the color scheme some people seem to be painting them. I found a lot of images of people painting their Fortidus titans in a copper and white scheme that I thought looked really cool. I wasn’t able to find much from Games Workshop that showed them in this color scheme, GW pics have them looking red and white, but I was already hooked on the copper look. The second reason I picked Fortidus was because of their back story. Most of their legion was wiped out at the start of the Horus Hersey thanks to a virus of scrap code that caused all of their titans on Mars to go reactor critical and explode. With their home forge destroyed along with most of their legion, their remaining titans go on a quest for vengeance as they try to take out as many enemy titans as possible as they go down in  blaze of glory.

First fully painted titan!

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Cult of Games Member

Top work looks amazing ?

Cult of Games Member

congratulations @biddopaintsminis fantastic work in the warhound.

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