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Annihilation Looms

Annihilation Looms

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Round 2 - Combat

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Winning initiative, Krennic immediately activated and spent an action recovering Intel from the Relay, before retreating behind the work shack!

Tactical withdrawal …Tactical withdrawal …

On the southern flank Pao’s Pathfinder unit opened fire on the Shoretroopers, scoring three hits, which the troopers dutifully saved!

Round 2 - Combat

In retaliation they targeted Bistan’s unit, killing one and adding further suppression. 

Round 2 - Combat

The Deathtroopers targeted the central rebel unit in a bid to suppress them out of the fight, but just as the Shoretroopers had done in the previous turn, they killed four of the five man unit!

However, thanks to the card the rebels had in play, the officers resolve was not broken and he continued his objective to upload data to the relay…. until the second Shoretrooper unit mercilessly gunned him down, leaving just Cassian and K2 defending the centre!

Round 2 - Combat

The Scouts and Hoth troopers extracted all remaining data from the imperial held relays, while an upload was still available to the Rebels central relay. Attempting to clear a path to this objective the Speeder Bikes surged forward, gunning down two of the Wookiees and wounding a third.

Round 2 - Combat

Their run of glory was short lived however as Jyn, the Fleet Troopers and the remaining Wookiees all targeted the Biker Scouts. More fire poured in from the south as Bistan used his longer range to target the hapless bikers! When the smoke had cleared just one bike remained, struggling to control his machine due to the effects of Bistan’s Ion charged heavy blaster!


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