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Ottoman Turks

Ottoman Turks

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Last of the Sipahis and some Infantry

Tutoring 14
Skill 15
Idea 15
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Pushing on with the heavy cavalry I needed to complete two more Feudal Sipahis and two more Sipahis of the Porte. I already had 24 of the old Warlord Sipahis so they would provide the units.

Now the horses were a mixture of caparisoned or fully armoured so decided that for the feudal horse they would be mainly the armoured horses and be the units of more heavily armed sipahis rather than the lighter armoured ones done previously.

Feudal SipahiFeudal Sipahi

For colours it was again into the brighter paints. And to try and provide a little bit of contrast to the horses three versions of steel and a couple of bronze were used.

Next up was the Sipahis of the Porte. I was trying to give the units a more cohesive feel without being totally unformed. So these were done with various “reddish” shades although after washes some appear more purple, but they do give off the elite feel

It was now time to turn the attention back to the infantry and I needed some more Azab infantry. The first are some arquebus/musketeers. These are Redoubt figures and normally I like their figures but these were a slight disappointment. It appears that the moulds are worn as even after spending time attempting to clear the mould lines I realised I was also getting rid of the actual detail!! So with enough mould lines still showing to give Ger a field day they were painted.

The next couple of units come from The Assault Group with mixed hand to hand weapons which means they can be used for either additional bow or musket units. In addition they can also be used for Levy Infantry. These are very nice figures but did mean that I had to try and freehand the shield designs. When looking at shields of the period these were mostly decorated with either symbols or Arabic script. Therefore a quick look at the Arabic key board characters and it was out with the paint pens.

So that’s the latest bunch of figures for the army. It is now on to the last units I need to “complete” this phase of the build. These are:

  • Command figures
  • Delis Light Cavalry
  • Balkan Sharpshooters
  • Heavy Guns

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