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Morituri te salutant

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The fight continues

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Following on from where we left off.


Despite the Hoplomachus’ attack failing to cause any damage he can still make use of the facing turn provided by this attack.  Looking at the Slash action we can see that it allows 1 facing turn to the right after the attack is completed.

The Hoplomachus chooses to take full advantage of this facing change to open more attack options in the next round.

The Thracian however can only make a facing change to the left due to his swing action, this would turn his back on his opponent and leave him in a very vulnerable position.

We must also note that due to the Hoplomachus having thrown his spear he is no longer able to perform the Lunge or Shoot actions.  Had his spear throw missed we would have rolled to see where it landed and placed a token there should the Hoplomachus wish to recover his spear in a later turn.  However, the spear throw hit its target and we can assume that the Thracian broke the spear to prevent its use again.   (I have made this ruling to avoid situations where two figures could potentially throw the same spear backwards and forwards until one of them dies.)

Once again Favour is calculated increasing the Hoplomachus’ favour by one for using an attack action against a valid target.  It doesn’t matter that the attack generated no damage.

So, as it stands the Thracian has 0 Favour and the Hoplomachus has gained 3 favour.

The fight continues

The Thracian finding itself out of position opts for a Step action and scores 14 for its speed.  The Hoplomachus chooses a Cut action, looking to deal more damage to the poor Thracian, and gets a total of just 7 for his speed.

The Thracian moves first, steps directly forward and changes its facing by one to its right.

This manoeuvre takes the Thracian completely out of the line of attack of the Hoplomachus.  The Cut action only targets the space directly in front and the Thracian is now currently in the Rear right space.  To make matters worse, the Cut action does not allow any facing changes.

The Hoplomachus is also unable to convert the Cut action to a swing action because this does not give him a valid Target.

Favour continues to remain unchanged.

The fight continues

The Thracian sees his chance and selects a Bludgeon Action, the Hoplomachus a shield action.

The Thracian easily wins the roll for speed and once again acts first.

Cross referencing the Thracians Bludgeon with the Hoplomachus’ shield action we can see this is an automatic miss because once again the square is blacked out.  However, the bludgeon action can be converted into a Step action because the target of move actions is always an empty space.  The Thracian steps once more and again makes a facing change.

The Hoplomachus ducks down behind its shields, but no attack is incoming.

Favour continues to remain unchanged.

The fight continues

From its now advantage point the Thracian once again selects the Bludgeon action, easily beating the speed of the Hoplomachus’ Step action.

The Thracian scores 3 hits from the two yellow dice it rolls, one hit is mitigated by the Hoplomachus’ armour.

This attack earns the Thracian 2 Favour.  1 for the valid attack and 1 for the 3 damage.  It is irrelevant if the damage was subsequently mitigated by armour.

Favour stands at 2 for the Thracian and 3 for the Hoplomachus.

The fight continues

Next the Thracian selects a Step action to keep the Hoplomachus on the back foot.  The Hoplomachus selects a turn action.  The turn action is useful for making a 180 degree turn if an enemy gets behind you.

Once again, the Thracian is faster and acts first.

There is no change to favour.

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