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Soap Dodger's Nomands

Soap Dodger's Nomands

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Nomads Background and getting started.

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Nomads are a collection of 3 massive city ships travelling between the worlds of the human sphere. Self Exiled from the control and the Micromanagement of the AI Aleph.  Depending on what ship arrives at your door looking to trade will determine what the best good on offer are. Be it information, Labour, or illicit goods and activities. If you want anything in the Sphere ask a Nomad, just don’t ask where it came from when it arrives.

I love the theme of nomads and thanks to Code One I get to try them out. I have not played them since Operation Ice Storm days a few years ago in N3. I promised not to collect them for Infinity so a Friend could collect and use them exclusively. I had a Clinton moment and I do not class Code One is Infinity as that’s N4 now…

Again I like Code One as I can dip my toes in the water for little investment (not if you collect them all like me) and there is an end game. Collect all the basic code one sets and you have enough models to not only play Code One but move on up to an N4 sectorial. If you like Robots and hacking then Nomads may be for you.

If you wish to go direct to N4 you have a few options. Vanilla Nomads, Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor, Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin and Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska. Additionally you will find a selection of Nomad units available in other forces specifically the non aligned Army’s (NA2). The Code one forces are pretty much the Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor but these models cross over with Vanilla Nomads.

  • Vanilla Nomads are generic but still have lots of hacking which they are great at. They have lots of  remote and tag options as this is a faction trait, but don’t expect these to be top of the line. Another faction trait is that their units usually have multiple things they are good at. Only drawback of all of these options is that unlike sectorials, currently you cant have fireteams which are squad like arrangements of troops that can add power and flexibility depending on how they are composed.


  • Jurisdictional Command of Corregidor, Have some great Fireteam Options and the units have abilities to make these very flexible. They are probably the closest to a punch you right in the face Sectorial that Nomads have with Basic simple options available making this my choice if you said I love Nomads and want to start infinity with them. (still not my first choice faction for that at all)


  • Jurisdictional Command of Bakunin are the oddities faction. If you like religion in your games and odd creatures this ones for you. They have great cheap units but in my experience in playing against them, they can cover some bases but not even close to all. If you have the wrong list matchup your are going right to pound town and they seem to focus on being hard to hit with good weapon options but lack the variety  and flexibility of other the other sectorial’s.


  • Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska have a great balance of sneak, fire power and armour. They have the so called best hacker in the game (in my experience this is the one that does what you need it to do). They disrupt your movement and actions with Hacking, take hits with their armour and can shoot you off the table if you let them. Again in certain situations lack the multi skills required to be swiss army knives but they tend to use hacking like a hammer and all of your enemies are nails.

Again Sectorial come with some additional rules you need to learn so if I was recommending to a new player I would say Code One Or a Vanilla force is the way to start. Just because it sounds dull does not make these options non competitive. Will you come first at  the Interplanitario Tournament with them… No. Could you place in a local tournament. Yes.

Talking of new players if You wish to get into infinity here are some links:

Code one Rules (full free rules)

Code One Infinity Army (full free army builder)

N4 Rules (full free rules)

N4 Infinity Army (full free army builder)

If you want more Lore and additional free things like tokens, quick start guides, FAQ’s you can go to

In the army builder app you can also click on each skill that will open up perhaps the best feature which is the WIKI  This prevents you having to look up the rulebook for any less used skills during play and really speeds things up and takes you right to what you need.

There are multiple Facebook groups for Infinity as well as some of us here on OTT. My Experience of both of these things is hugely positive and the community as a whole is very supportive and helpful. There is also the Corvus Belli Community Forum this can be slightly more salty in here but I have not seen that directed at players more to CB themselves on occasion.

Crimson Stone Nomads part of the Code One starter painted by SergioCrimson Stone Nomads part of the Code One starter painted by Sergio

So they don’t have a full faction map launched for this yet. I think there is one more release on the way before the possibly last two factions to be introduced to Code One (though they could do 4 more if they wanted to make some people very happy) This will still follow the roll out plan for Code One Factions. The Starter set, the Beyond starter set (this later gets replaced with an action pack with both of these options) A support pack, A dire foes with two of the three models usable by Nomads. A couple of Characters which were launch exclusives or different sculpts that can be obtained later. A remote pack. and two booster packs. As of the day I am writing this I think all the options apart from Booster pack Beta are available. I have everything released either purchased or ordered. As soon as the sets are complete I may be able to delete this section and put in the pretty picture of it all.

I have played no games as Nomad bar the initial starter missions in operation Ice storm which never used the full units profiles. So please take everything as a pinch of salt. I have played them a number of times but which sectorial I played at what time is a bit fuzzy.

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