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The Union of Progressive people

Tutoring 10
Skill 14
Idea 14
 Couple of weeks ago I had the crazy idea of making another human faction for any Alien based games and thought about the UPP. They are detailed in the RPG as basically space communists who have a bit of a cold war going on with the Americas. The colonial marine guide details the unions forces and some if the vehicles. Couple of weeks ago I had the crazy idea of making another human faction for any Alien based games and thought about the UPP. They are detailed in the RPG as basically space communists who have a bit of a cold war going on with the Americas. The colonial marine guide details the unions forces and some if the vehicles.
I picked up Wargames Atlantics cannon fodder box but the guns are a bit too ladgun for this project. I picked up Wargames Atlantics cannon fodder box but the guns are a bit too ladgun for this project.
These five will be the space Operating Force who I'm basing off the art work above. These will be the unions special forces while everyone else are the peoples army. I used spare armour plating from my WW1 French for shoulder padsThese five will be the space Operating Force who I'm basing off the art work above. These will be the unions special forces while everyone else are the peoples army. I used spare armour plating from my WW1 French for shoulder pads
The Union of Progressive people
From Anvil Industries I got some of their imperial guard conversion bits. I wanted something that looked more like an AKpulse rifle and some shoulder pads that look a bit colonial marine but more bulkyFrom Anvil Industries I got some of their imperial guard conversion bits. I wanted something that looked more like an AKpulse rifle and some shoulder pads that look a bit colonial marine but more bulky
The Union of Progressive people
The Union of Progressive people
The Union of Progressive people

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denzienJohn Recent comment authors
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Hello there, Denzien! I came across your blog when searching for good miniatures to represent UPP soldiers for use with the Alien Roleplaying Game, and what you’ve done here was exactly the kind of thing I was looking for! I want to replicate the process you’ve done here, but I’m having difficulty tracking down the parts you mentioned (with the exception of the Wargames Atlantic Cannon Fodder box). Would you mind sharing where I might find the French soldiers you used for armor (which models specifically), as well as the Anvil Industries imperial guard pieces? The Anvil Industries store gives… Read more »

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