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Morituri te salutant

Morituri te salutant

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Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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For the arena floor I used thin hexagonal MDF bases glued to an oval of MDF.  I then lightly covered the surface with sand and painted it to match the rest of the ground covering.

I then based up some Gladiators to use so I can start play-testing my version of the rules.


The fighters are mounted on 40mm Hexes, and the arena floor is slightly larger at 45mm.

I have kept the actual fighting area reasonably small, just 8 hexes at its longest point.  I will add some scenery elements to separate hexes so that they can be moved around and add extra strategic elements.  The scenery should come in handy when fighting against Sagittarius (Bow armed) gladiators.


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