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Primary Color Escapism - Head First Into Marvel Crisis Protocol

Primary Color Escapism - Head First Into Marvel Crisis Protocol

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Primary Color Escapism

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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As the world descends further into chaos, I found myself pining for simpler times, most probably rose colored by childhood memories yet so appealing in a universe where shades of gray replace the primary colors of old. In essence, I want the good guys to prevail over evil doers in the end, making the world right and shining a beacon of hopes for all to follow. Wishful thinking? Escapism? Absolutely, yet, on some days, these are some of the few things that shield me against growing anxiety and depression, so I embrace them wholeheartedly.

With this mindset, I found myself wandering back to the comic books of my childhood within the pages of which Spiderman fought the Green Goblin, the Fantastic 4 fought the Sphinx and Iron Fist defeated the Mandarin (the original one, not the buffon version of the MCU). From a young age, reading theses comics published in France by LUG Editions, I always loved these stories as they presented heroic yet relatable characters and let my imagination fly. As adult life took over, I left MArvel and DC behind for decades, till my late forties where a rekindling interest with tabletop gaming brought, as a guest, a venture into comics.

Fast forward to January 2022, where I was deciding upon a tabletop game focus for the new year. Choices were a plenty but that comes at a cost for such people as I, growing anxiety on the framework of a first world problem. My attention wandered back to a game that I had considered before but shelved to the ‘potential’ area of my hobby mind: Marvel Crisis Protocol. I started researching reviews, batreps and paint videos, trying to decide if this would become my year tabletop game focus. It passed the test and this post if the first of many Marvel Crisis Protocol (MCP) posts as I delve head first into this gem of a game. “ever upward!”

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