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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Map Terrain 2

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 12
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Well last might  I had a look at doing the hill layouts from the map at in ‘A Game of Armoured Combat ‘, and realised a couple of things .

  • There are some funny shaped Hills
  • The Hexes I brought are not as big as the hexes on map board.

On the 2st point I rapidly realised that when using 2.5 terrain , the game rule ignore height levels on map other than the terrain depicts , excluding sublimely.

On the 2nd ,this is trial mark one, Warbases do do custom sizes so next order I can get them right.

Anyway I got some idea of base shapes which I layer out on the mdf boards I got from Amazon


Map Terrain 2
Map Terrain 2

With some trial and error I got how I wanted the 1st test hills layer out and stuck the hexes on with Pva   a big tub I got from Wilko’s

Map Terrain 2

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