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Giftmas 2022

Giftmas 2022

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So much time, so much work to do

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Warren, though not in top form from his lung affliction, can smile without issue. The first part of his gift has been assembled entirely and just awaits paint.

So much time, so much work to do

As mentioned before Ben has a gift that is in the works of being settled into a special container. I think I might have a way of sending it packaged inside its own hard shell/outer box in order to avoid damage. International shipping has been a learning process.

Speaking of specialty packages and shipping I’ve yet to find one for Free’s parcel. I should say that parcel might hint at a general size. I might need crating performed. In the meantime I’m quite proud of my villainous ‘stache. Its pretty much a requirement for this kind of dastardly doing.

My mustache brings all the girls to the yard...My mustache brings all the girls to the yard...

John, what can I do to top last year? A resin “toy tank” from Bits of War’s goblin scrap tanks with a jar of The Pinkest Pink pigment from Culture Hustle is hard to beat. Let me consider the kind of over-the-top villainy which can only be found in the movies and tone it down ever so slightly. You’ll give me plenty more to work with at some point.

Gerry, don’t clue the man in. This, my unwitting (unwilling?) conspirator, is our little thing to keep to ourselves. By the by, this Great Game does extend to you as well. The thing of it all is that by your own admission you do say a lot and I’m free to run all willy nilly with what to get you. Mwahahaha!!!

*ahem* Justin will find the parcel I send both pleasant and painful to his nerves. It will all be ok in the end. He just will need to be petted on the head like a puppy for reassurance when its all over.

Seeing as Lloyd has found his samurai I’m glad I didn’t get him jidaigeki tiny fighting men for Clash of Katanas. That’s alleviated my need to create a force, paint the lot and ship it to him.

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Usually I try to spend less time for the gift searching. I’ve found online gift shop with delivery in Ukraine because a lot of my friends are there now. On this site you can check it, and I’m sure that in your region also there is something similar. Before it, I spent much more time for it, but now it’s really easy.

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