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Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

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Yu Jing Booster Pack Beta

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 8
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The latest models I have painted completing my force Adds yet another hacking option a fast attacking option and a guy that’s just less than a Tag…

  • 1x Yān Huǒ FTO
  • 1x Zúyǒng
  • 1x Tiger Soldier Hacker

Yān Huǒ FTO

Very basic Heavy infantry but with a plus one burst +1 heavy missile launcher (shoots twice) high armour does what it says on the tin kind of guy. Great for clusters of models or large heavy targets.

“Any who have seen the Yan Huo Regiment in action, unloading their terrifying firepower, know just how fitting their nickname is. The regiment’s name means “fireworks” in Chinese, written with the characters for “smoke” and “fire” (??) although the latter also means “rage, anger”.

The incredible pyrotechnics unleashed by the members of this unit are as spectacular as they are fearsome. The firepower of a single Yan Huo could be used to raze a small country to the ground. The operational maxim of the regiment is the overabundance of ordnance, and in that spirit they have a close relationship with Yungang, the primary arms contractor of Yu Jing, who always make sure to supply the Yan Huo with the bigger guns in their catalogue. Generally speaking, when a Yan Huo decides to empty his magazines and spray the battlefield with his powerful artillery, that’s when things end. Their armour suits are not built to withstand enemy fire, but to carry their armament and attack, with the goal of keeping the enemy busy. When the Yan Huo jump into action, their opponents are overwhelmed by the onslaught, and are unable to develop an operational strategy while their life expectancy quickly wanes. The exchange of fire is no longer counted in the seconds, but is accelerated into painful milliseconds. Round by round, strike by strike, their enemies fall one by one, unable to believe what rains down upon them: thunder and lightning, the flashy, deadly fireworks of the Yan Huo Regiment.”


Again a solid heavy infantry option not the best armour but enough to get by or hold a difficult position.

“The Terracotta Warriors are an army of statues that guard the mausoleum of the emperor Qin Shi Huangdi, the unifier and founder of the Chinese empire. The mission of these sculpted troops was to protect the Emperor and his grand empire in the afterlife. Emperor Qin fought for the ideal of an all-encompassing China, “All under Heaven”. This same ideal is now incarnated in and defended by the Zúyong Invincibles. Spread throughout Yu Jing territory, they have become the nucleus of the State Empire Army as the largest Heavy Infantry corps in the Human Sphere. No military force can equip as many soldiers with servo-powered armour. Other regiments, other armies, can claim to have the most advanced technology, but the Zúyong have what they need to see their duty through, and everything else they make up for in skill and determination. Not in vain are they considered to be one of the better trained regiments in the Sphere: few can even imagine how rigorous and unforgiving a Yu Jing military academy can be. Perseverance, a radical sense of discipline, an absolute disregard for suffering, a lack of hesitation when asked to make superhuman efforts, and an excellent tactical preparation help explain the nature of the invincibility of these soldiers. To them, there is no honour or duty beyond defending the lands and the perfect cause of the State Empire, so when duty calls the Zúyong waste no time in answering. The commitment of these men and women is boundless. For the Terracotta Warriors there is always an injustice to remedy, an evil to eradicate. Forged as anonymous heroes, each one of them represents every Yu Jing citizen. And, when the fateful time comes, they will be standing firm, undaunted by the challenge; unflinching like the terracotta armies of the emperor’s tomb, but utterly prepared to carry the State Empire to glory with endless courage and an iron will.”

“Examples of the State Empire”, an official program of the Ministry of Information of Yu Jing.”

Tiger Soldier Hacker

A great medium infantry option with Parachutist to come in where you need them when you need them. Only drawback is it cant deploy in the enemy’s deployment zone. But she can run?

“Tiger Soldiers are the elite airborne unit of the State Empire, which means they are accustomed to being tossed into the worst of any battle. They are known for their audacious, breakneck attacks, the ferocity of which has earned them their name. In the Chinese tradition, the tiger is the most powerful animal, second only to the Dragon, a symbol of the Emperor. The Tiger Soldiers honour their totemic icon with striped patterns on their armours. The official record sheet of this unit is not quite as impressive as the real, unexpunged one, since they are often used for black ops and secret rescue missions in enemy territory. For obvious security reasons, none of these operations have been publicized or even acknowledged by High Command.

The quintessential Tiger Soldier mission is the Direct Action. More specifically, these commandos are the first airborne attack and invasion unit of the State Empire Army. Their operational tasks include enemy approach and hostile contact, ambush, reconnaissance, aerial and airborne assaults, capture and control of emplacements and mounting hurried defences. As a Special and Covert Operations force, their training is among the toughest in the army, and takes place in one of the several secret mobile camps inside the Yu Jing system.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Yu Jing Booster Pack BetaYu Jing Booster Pack Beta

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