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Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

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Yu Jing Booster Pack Alpha

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Great little addition t give you perhaps one of the best heavy infantry in the game and a couple of good hacker options.

  • 1X Hsien
  • 1X Zhànying Hacker
  • 1X Hac Tao Hacker


I have lots of success with this model. Aggressive movement heavy infantry that’s ok a close combat and finding targets and makes it easier to shoot them. not too many skills in Code One to complicate things  and good enough options to make it flexible enough to include in any list.

“Hsien (or Immortals) are the personal guard of the Emperor, and a prestigious elite unit formed by decorated officers of the Imperial Service. All members of this corps consider being entrusted with the personal safety of their Emperor as the highest honour a member of the military can receive, guaranteeing unswerving loyalty and determination in combat. Hsien are the most self-sacrificing among the chosen, the best among the excellent, and they dedicate their life to the Emperor without a thought for themselves or anyone else. They are a defensive/offensive bubble around the person of the Emperor. As members of a special security force, their job is to provide armed escort and act as an armoured protective force. This unit also specializes in intense combat actions and use of firepower to repel assaults, close combat operations and counterattacks. Hsien are the highest ranking Imperial Agents, and are posted at the Tiān Di Jing Imperial Palace, but they travel with the Emperor and follow his wishes wherever these may take them. When the Emperor wants a representative in an important location or situation, he sends these Agents as a personification of his will. As such, they are as feared and respected as the Emperor himself, and have full powers and authorization to make decisions, enforce them bluntly, and then leave the scene completely unchallenged”

Zhànying Hacker

Solid light infantry hacker. Nothing overly special apart from it can deal with most basic units in close combat.

“Imperial Agents are direct representatives of the Emperor, an elite caste Within the Imperial Service. In this caste, there are ranks, structured according to their proximity to the Dragon. Zhànying Agents, the fighting eagles, are one of the lowest rungs of that ladder. Without contacts or influence, these agents have clawed their way into the Imperial Service on their own merits, but now have very little chance of breaking through the glass ceiling into higher ranks. This, however, is not a measure of their effectiveness. As representatives of the law and the Emperor, they have ample powers and the best equipment. These Imperial Agents are given wide leeway, and they use it all in the performance of their duties. Wherever they go, the law is obeyed. Despised by the liberal press for their violent, expeditious methods, and accused of being an instrument of repression, the Zhànying know better. in their job, they are surrounded by the scum of society; they know criminals have immense power over law-abiding citizens. If they do not protect the oppressed, who will? Zhànying Agents will get their hands dirty if that is what it takes to keep Yu Jing clean. It is just the burden they bear, and they expect no acknowledgement for it. Simply put, to do their job they must walk into morally grey areas, and to keep doing it, they can leave no compromising evidence behind, so they must clean up. They rationalize it as the reward for a job well done. A cursory Cube scan will reveal that Zhànying Agents are ruthless people with a very dark sense of humour but, along with alcohol, that is all that keeps them from going insane.”

Hac Tao Hacker

A Heavy infantry hacker that’s hard to spot see and hit. When it decides to strike it has the Nanopulser which can be an excellent option for tough targets as it attacks their BTS instead of their armour which is a great way to take out other heavy infantry.

“The name of the Hac Tao Special Intervention Unit can be translated as “Black Magic”, and refers to the camouflage and thermal emission dampener technologies of their armours. Brave, lethal and trustworthy, Hac Tao are known to tread very lightly and hit very hard. The function of this well-trained unit is usually enemy interdiction, with a focus on dealing the maximum amount of damage with their actions. Hac Tao are specifically equipped to carry out Harassment and Elimination missions, but can also provide support in broad-scope special operations, and collateral activities that include Direct Action, internal defence, and combat Search and Rescue operations. The leitmotif of the Hac Tao Special Unit, their fighting philosophy, is extracted from Sun Tze’s The Art of War:

Be subtle to the point of formlessness.

Be mysterious to the point of soundlessness.

Thereby you will be master of your opponent’s fate.”

Yu Jing Booster Pack AlphaYu Jing Booster Pack Alpha

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