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Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

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Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry (TAG)

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Loved the look of this guy. I didn’t think much before I painted it but when I got it in my hands I fell in love. Fetch my a wolf howling at the moon t-shirt!

  • 1x Blue Wolf

Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry

Each faction has a Tag these are heavily armoured, large amount of structure targets so they are hard to kill this ones is great at medium – close range Want to clear out a quarter of the table. If your enemy doesn’t deal with it then this is your tool. It can also be great as a bullet magnet. I have won games based on this just causing so much fear that a full 2 turns were spent on killing it. It killed and done nothing yet won me the game.

“The Blue Wolf Regiment is a nomadic unit, always changing its location, always on the move, so as not to be an easy target. And this is only possible thanks to their lightweight TAGs, which allow for greater mobility and require less equipment and support personnel than a conventional mechanized regiment.

Huge, fast, lethal and tough war machines at your disposal. Ready to be the spearhead of your army. The great agility of the Blue Wolf will allow it to avoid enemy fire and approach to the optimal distance to annihilate its enemies with its AP Spitfire and Heavy Flamethrower.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry (TAG)Blue Wolf Mongol Cavalry (TAG)

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