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Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

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Yu Jing Support Pack

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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These are great models and super useful. You always need a medic or engineer and the bots are cute. This is the kind of thing I never bought when playing N4 and always used a proxy.

  • 1x Mech-engineer
  • 1x Zhanshi Yīshēng
  • 2x Yáozăo


Push buttons, fix Tags what’s not to like?

“The Mech-Engineers (Gongchéngs) provide technical assistance to the Mechanized Infantry sections of the Yu Jing Army. They have all passed through the Banner Troops, receiving combat training as well as preparation as infantry sappers. The central body of their training is composed of instruction in military engineering and electronics, with specialized preparation in recomposition, repair and maintenance of armour plating and servo-powered systems. The Mech-Engineers function is to look after the machines, armour, arms and high-tech equipment which is in daily use by the Yu Jing armed forces. As they are usually required to carry out their work under battle conditions, amidst the smoke and, at times, in the dark of night, their holographic/optical visors incorporate an improved filter which intensifies the available ambient light, enabling them to work in conditions of low visibility. Additionally, the visor connects – via comlog – to their instruments and tools, giving them the maximum precision available outside of their specialized workshops. Whilst their services rank high within the Yu Jing Army, the Mech-Engineers frequently complain that their comrades in arms only remember them when something breaks down.”

Zhanshi Yīshēng

Heal people as your a doctor try not to kill them but what have you got to lose?

“The Yishengs (Doctors) of the Yu Jing Army receive military training just like any other Zhanshi. The High Command of the Yu Jing armed forces requires specialists who are able to perform on the frontline, even in advanced positions. In this way, they can avoid having to move the injured to the rear lines to be looked after, thus optimising the rate of their recovery. The philosophy behind the training of the Yishengs is that because their work is carried out at the frontline, under heavy fire, they need to be as cool-headed as possible. In combat situations, the Yisheng are the lifesavers of their unit as they are always on hand and fully prepared for any eventuality.”


These little guys can be deployed with your Mechanic and Doctor to extend their range and keep them out of danger while these little guys take the risk and they are cheap and harder to hit as well!

“In the test centre, the first experimental models of humanoid Remotes surprised the technicians and specialists with their capacities. The agility and speed they demonstrated, plus their facility to overcome any obstacle and their small size, earned them the affectionate nickname Zao (Flea). The working through of initial difficulties in integrating a humanoid shape with the existing mobility programs finally resulted in overall higher performance and a better environmental adaptation capacity. The problem of the height gain meant the issues of a humanoid shape, which increases its silhouette at the same time that its survivability decreases, was solved with an exact miniaturizing process, reducing the size and final weight of the Remote. […] However, the most influential factor in choosing a humanoid shape was the psychological one. It is always more comforting to a wounded soldier to see a human shape rather than an arachnid one. Likewise, is less shocking to see humanoid arms operating on you as opposed to insectoid manipulators. […] The battlefield effectiveness of the Yáozao is easily measurable with numbers and data, but the moral support that they provide to the soldiers in combat is something only noticeable in the tender treatment that these tiny Remotes receive every day.”

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Yu Jing Support PackYu Jing Support Pack

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