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Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

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Liang Kai (character model) and Kunai Solutions Ninja

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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These are a solo blister models you can get.

Liang Kai

Another martial arts expert. Can deploy 4″ into the battle, dodge forward, is hard to hit and can jump high. when he gets into things his high level martial arts makes it easier for you to hit, harder to get hit back and when you do hit the pain is deal and take more damage.

Another one with a large back story you can read in full here.


Liang KaiLiang Kai

Kunai Solutions Ninja

Great up close and far away but all told it’s a good skirmish sniper, you can get them to move forward at the start with a slightly worse weapon but it’s cheaper. very hard to hit with good mobility.

“Security resources is what Kunai Solutions offers. And for this, the cover company of the Takemura ninja clan, that means espionage, thievery, assassination and many other illegal activities for money. After all, they are one of the honorless clans who betrayed the Japanese Emperor to keep working for Yu Jing, and also for PanOceania if it pays well. So, what can you expect from them?”

If I’m honest I prefer the Multi Sniper version I don’t have so may pack this up.

Quotes are from Guilang – Human Sphere ( and Infinity – Infinity CodeOne ( not my own work. Other words are just my opinion and may even be wrong.

Kunai Solutions NinjaKunai Solutions Ninja

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