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Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

Soap Dodger's Yu Jing

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Dire Foes

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
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The Dire foes set you get 3 models you can use two in Yu Jing.

  • 1x Adil
  • 1x Yu Jing ambassador


A Character medium infantry close combat specialist. Great at chopping up opponents dodging forward, pushing buttons. His monofilament cc weapon means you  ignore all armour and if you wound you kill.

He has a large deep background which you can read here. as well as he was one of the characters from the Betrayal comic novel.




Yu Jing ambassador

Is the HVT in the boxed set. Either you can protect him or kill him depending on the mission.  Much better than a token.

“In the Yu Jing State Empire, the figure of the ambassador transcends the diplomatic corps and is not necessarily bound to it. Even if traditionally associated with Foreign Affairs duties, in Yu Jing the role of an ambassador reaches far beyond that, as they become the representative and embodiment of the Party and of the State Empire itself. A State Empire ambassador can intervene in private business negotiations and transactions, as well as in corporate financial agreements, as well as in inter ministerial meetings, crisis cabinets, and security councils. But no matter what the scenario is, whenever a Yu Jing ambassador shows up, it will always be to ensure that the interests of the State Empire are protected and to make sure that everyone present knows the position and intentions of the Party in the matter at hand, though always through veiled insinuations and unfinished sentences. Since they get involved in all kinds of political economic and military machinations and intrigues, ambassadors usually do not reveal their names, and identify themselves only through their function. Anonymity seems to be a relevant aspect for their jobs—all of them usually have discreet subdermal implants to override facial-recognition systems—and one that facilitates plausible deniability of their intervention or involvement in any given case should it be compromised. Shrouded in mystery, the vagueness of this office is not limited to the identity of those who hold it. As representatives of Yu Jing, these senior officials’ position in the hierarchy is somewhat unclear and may differ from one ambassador to the next. However, if there is one fact that always remains the same, it’s that a Yu Jing ambassador is always the most prominent and powerful—and, therefore, the most dangerous—person in the room.”

Yu Jing ambassadorYu Jing ambassador

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