Uruk Hai, the return! And more……..much much more
Sod the pin vice
Squeak squeak squeak. ‘Ah ,well done Jason. 10 minutes squeezing and cramping hands and you’ve drilled one hole………just lob the drill at a wall eh?’
All hobbyists here must must must be fed up with this little tool.
It’s fine, don’t get me wrong, but being a carpenter I know there is better out there. So I was delighted when my uncle turned up wielding a mystery find at a car boot he attended. He put it at me and said ‘your gonna like that’.
He is sooooo right.
Variable speed micro drill.
Long lead so I can have it reach my table easily.
Micro chucks that easily fit the size drills I need to house in them. Standard chucks on more conventional drills often do not close down enough on 1.5mm or less.
The variable speed is a god send. It goes slow enough that you can control it easily but a hell of a lot faster than by hand if you need or dare.
And it is quiet. Very quiet. Do the quietest hum you can manage without going silent. It’s slightly quieter than that. Unless you turn it up to full of course, then I consider your life forfeit and in your own hands. Just wear your tin hat and flak jacket. And make sure any pedestrians are behind concrete walls.
I managed to pin up 24 metal Uruk scouts limbs and pin down 24 metal scouts to their bases in an hour.
I repeat, an hour. And I wasn’t tired or cramping at all.
My uncle said he payed £3 for it.
??♂️ need I go on?
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