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Bob's Battletech

Bob's Battletech

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Legendary Mech Warrior's , The Black Widow and Morgan Kell

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4

The Black Widow

With that completed I started on  ‘Natasha Kerensky ‘ formally of Wolfs Dragoons but returned to the Wolf Clan in her Dire Wolf.

Traditional balck livery for her, used GW contrast Black Templar, though in hindsight should have thinned it out more, as had to do a bit more dry brushing 1st with Mp paints Bastion Grey then Blue Grey to highlight the black.

Legendary Mech Warrior's , The Black Widow and Morgan Kell
Legendary Mech Warrior's , The Black Widow and Morgan Kell
Legendary Mech Warrior's , The Black Widow and Morgan Kell

Morgan Kell

Originally was not going to do him as I hadnt much success with red and black on mechs, I now know it was the fact I used GW Blood angels Red, Using GW contast Gryh-hound Orange I get a more Scarlet red, and it worked fine.

Oh and for anyone who wants to know his special ability, he has the Ghost mech skill,  which makes +2 to hit at short and med ranges and +4 to hit at long. The real ability is he can fire at any time during the movement phase!

oh and I think he is 2/0  pilot/shooting!

Legendary Mech Warrior's , The Black Widow and Morgan Kell
Legendary Mech Warrior's , The Black Widow and Morgan Kell
Legendary Mech Warrior's , The Black Widow and Morgan Kell

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I can’t see the photographs Bob!

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