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Blood Angels Diorama with McFarlane Action Figures

Blood Angels Diorama with McFarlane Action Figures

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Blood Angel fatality - prep work before priming.

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 4

This Artist’s Proof Space Marine Interceptor from McFarlane Toys is not having a great day!

Torn in half by genestealer claws, he bleeds out his last, while watching a battle brother destroy his attacker, mere feet away.

This model will form the background to my diorama, with the surviving marine and a dead genestealer as the foreground.

I damaged this model with a Rotary tool, and I was careful to make sure the wounds all looked like claw marks, rather than bullet holes.

Next up, I’ll be priming and painting this poor dude, but I’m still working out which Chapter to use for him from the Blood Angels lineage. That’s the fun part though!

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Nick Carrollzorgtankkommander Recent comment authors
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A bad day indeed 🙂 I’m looking forward to seeing this project progress.

Cult of Games Member

Great work @grayprimer I bet you were nervous about cutting the model up?

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