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Dipping a toe into One Page Rules - Age of Fantasy

Dipping a toe into One Page Rules - Age of Fantasy

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Out with the old in with the...old?

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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For my first game of OnePageRules:Age of Fantasy, I decided to keep the models in my army exactly the same as my old Age of Sigmar (AoS) list to see just how stark the differences were.

This was going to give me some issues, in that the ‘Split’ and ‘Split Again’ rules on my horror models meant that I could end up with a scenario where I had to place 40 Blue Horrors or 40 Brimstones on the table at one time, as I could no longer preferentially remove models to ‘game the system’ as it were. Needless to say, I don’t have anything like this number currently but if I enjoy the game format, it is something I can look at improving upon later.

The Models

My Age of Sigmar list

My 1000 point Age of Sigmar list has consisted of the following for some time

Fateskimmer on Burning Chariot – General

Daemon Prince of Tzeentch with wings

2 units of 10 pink horrors (my battleline choices)

A unit of 3 Screamers (this was previously flamers  but the points in crease in Pink Horrors at the last update necessitated a change)

A quick look on some forums and stuff seemed to suggest 1500 points was a good points level in Age of Fantasy (AoF) for a quick 1-2 hour game. So my goal was to manoeuvre these models into a 1500 point list.

The Age of Fantasy list

My Age of Fantasy list ended up being very upgrade heavy and I would definitely add more models such as my beloved and much unused Soul Grinders in future games instead of dumping every possible upgrade on my hero models to pad out the points, but as previously stated I wanted to keep the models the same to recreate the game environment as much as possible from my last few AoS games.

A Fateskimmer becomes a Champion of Change on a Flame Chariot. I added the Wizard upgrade because Tzeentch. I added a ranged attack with Magic Bolt and Symbol of Change ability to soak up points. Total cost 250 points.

A Daemon Prince of Tzeentch becomes a Daemon Champion of Change. I bought wings, Great Magic Bolt, Wizard level 3 and Symbol of Change for a total points cost of 310 points.

I ran my two units of Pink Warriors as 10 man units with no upgrades. As I HAVE to remove all Pink models before removing spawned Blue models I feel upgrades on these units are a poor investment. As I understand the rules once my Pink standard bearer is gone for example so is the bonus so upgrades I have paid for won’t persist for the life of the unit. These units run at 375 points each. Expensive, as they are in AoS, because of the ability to spawn extra models.

Lastly my Screamers of Tzeentch became a 3 monster unit of Manta Daemons. I had no upgrade options on this unit so they came in at a stock 165 points.

The gets me to 1475 points. Again I could spend the 25 points to add a Banner of Change to one of my Pink Horror units or put a champion and standard banner bearer in both units but I feel I would rarely if ever do this in a ‘real’ game where my choices weren’t quite so restricted so I’m happy just to drop the points and go with it.

With this done I have printed my 16 page rulebook, 1 page army reference sheet and army list (using Openoffice) and am ready for the game.

If the game goes ahead I will post the outcome and my thoughts  here in the project blog.

Many thanks for reading, and I hope this inspires some of you to look at some of the many new miniature agnostic rulesets out there and maybe gives you the opportunity to dust off some old and ‘unloved’ models to breathe new life into them.

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