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Blood Angels Diorama with McFarlane Action Figures

Blood Angels Diorama with McFarlane Action Figures

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Armour scratches painted and purity seals complete!

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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I’ve added some more depth to the damaged ceramite armour with mechanicum grey that’s washed with nuln oil, then speckled with Vallejo Game Color silver.

I used a fine tip pigment pen to scribble some nonsense text on the purity seals.

I used Scale 75 black inside the muzzle of the rifle, but I’ll add a lot more damage and weathering later on.

It feels like it’s going okay so far, but I’m still waiting to get my McFarlane genestealer so that I can start putting all the bits together on the diorama itself.

I’m going to leave this marine for now and start painting his fallen brother, who’ll be lying in several parts behind him in the mud!

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