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Bot War - the war wages on (clearing the backlog)

Bot War - the war wages on (clearing the backlog)

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Beachhead 2022

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

One of my hobby goals for 2022 and a milestone for this project was to be able to put on a demonstration table at the Beachhead convention in Bournemouth (UK) which was held the weekend of 12th/13th February.

And I managed to do just that, even roping in a couple of mates to help me out and get a few games in whilst still enjoying the show over the 2 days.


All the bots getting ready for transportationAll the bots getting ready for transportation

I took with me everything I could think of to help show off this product:

  • Current miniature range
  • Cardboard city terrain
  • Rule books (multiples of)
  • Stat cards
  • Perspex display cabinets
  • Unpainted examples
  • Empty bot war boxes
  • Allllll the dice
  • More dice

I also packed plenty of snacks and drinks to keep us going, copies of The Crew and Skull boardgames to help us pass time if necessary, and my Level-up game riser to give us some more space and help line of sight checks.



Beachhead 2022
Beachhead 2022
Beachhead 2022

Over the next 2 days we ran some demo games and I got to use 2 of the factions I had completed; Trashers in an Assassination mission against Atlanticans, and Democracy Eagle’s Veterans with Special Branch assistance against COILS in a capture the city scenario.

Both of these factions were very fun to play with and we had some great cinematic moments with them.  We even levelled a city block which made me go off to buy some cast resin rubble terrain pieces to add more flavour in future games.


All in all it was a great event, I got to talk to loads of people about bot war, play some games, listen to very positive comments about my painted miniature collection, spend some money supporting local vendors, and get to chat with great folk like Moonstone Tom who was attending his first Beachhead.

My Trashers leader assassinated in the final turn by a sneaky air support move into close range by an Atlantican bot that then gunned me down. Next activation was mine and would have seen the Atlanticans tabled, oh wellMy Trashers leader assassinated in the final turn by a sneaky air support move into close range by an Atlantican bot that then gunned me down. Next activation was mine and would have seen the Atlanticans tabled, oh well
COILS Bot tries to make a grab an energy cube boost right into the firing lines of Democracy armoured forcesCOILS Bot tries to make a grab an energy cube boost right into the firing lines of Democracy armoured forces

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