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Blood Angels Diorama with McFarlane Action Figures

Blood Angels Diorama with McFarlane Action Figures

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Dismantled, damaged, primed and base-coated - a day in the life of a Blood Angel

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The action figure came apart relatively easy, with only slight leverage needed on the torso.

I primed it with Green Stuff World grey primer, then followed that with:

  • Vallejo Game Color Bloody Red – for armour plates.
  • Vallejo Model Color Gold – for gold trim.
  • Mig One Shot Primer Black – for the black rubbery bits under the body armour plates and rifle parts.
  • Vallejo Game Color Sun Yellow – for the helmet.
  • Citadel Base Leadbelcher – for bare metal rifle bits.
  • Tamiya Clear Red – for blood drop rubies and purity seal wax.
  • Tamiya Clear Green – for the helmet’s eye lenses.
  • Citadel Contrast Skeleton Horde – for purity seal parchment.

Next, I’ll be doing some shading and highlights before moving on to the next action figure in the diorama – a disembowelled Blood Angel who’ll be lying in the background!

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