Hunting in the Darkness - KD:M
11 Feb 22: Return to the Canopy
I’d wanted the colour on the leaves to be stronger, even at the beginning. To brighten it up I overbrushed with Celestra Grey, then came back in with the Vallejo Red Black as a drybrush.
It was more pink, so I went over again with a drybrush of Vallejo Gory Red. It’s better, but I’m still not 100% satisfied. Comment below if you have any suggestions!
13 Feb 22: The other thing that bothered me about the leaves was...
the fact that they’re also growing halfway up the tree trunk. Leaves don’t do that (usually). I went back to the original art and saw that it’s actually supposed to be another plant growing up around the tree. Acanthus most likely. So now when I looked at the miniature again, I could see the stalks of the plant growing up out of the ground. I thought about ignoring it, but I couldn’t.
I got stuck on the colour for a bit, got some opinion from someone for options. I went with green. In the end I was glad I did.
Old Citadel Ork Flesh and highlighted with Goblin Green.
Also complete here is the base. I had to touch up the edges with some Gesso primer as I’d rubbed right down to the plastic in spots. Recoated with black. Drybrushed with GW Dawnstone and given a brown wash. Then carefully highlighted with Celestra Grey and finally Skeleton Bone.
Perhaps a red or pink glaze would make the leaves pop more?
@danlee maybe, though I’ve settled on a quicker fix. A quick, very light drybrush of AP Skeleton Bone. I’ve given a crack, and I’m happier with how it is now.