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"Hola amigo, I come to suck your blood!"

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Where Wolves? No, There Wolves!

Tutoring 10
Skill 9
Idea 9

Hi everyone,

I have some more alternative profiles for you to try out if you are so inclined.  I have play-tested these Werewolf profiles over a 3-part solo campaign several times.

Every campaign ended out differently even though I played with the same models, which I take as a good thing. As always I only tried to add attributes that already exist in the rulebook and all profile changes are incremental.

Werewolf Profiles

The first addition is the Werewolf Alpha.  There is not much change here, just increments to its Melee and Health profile. This makes the alpha harder to kill and therefore a bigger threat.

You can only ever have one werewolf alpha in a game.

The Alpha WerewolfThe Alpha Werewolf

Next up is the big daddy – the Werewolf Primogenitor.  This is an ancient werewolf that created the line of lycanthropes in the campaign.  Just like the Ghoul King, the Primogenitor should only be brought in at the end of the campaign.

He is stronger than the alpha and has extra Health. I gave him the attribute ‘very strong’ instead of just ‘strong’. To counteract this extra strength, I also gave the Primogentior the ‘large’ attribute.

The Primogenitor WerewolfThe Primogenitor Werewolf

The last profile is my favorite – a werewolf during the initial transformation.

I played these werewolves as part of the first scenario in a campaign where there were villagers roaming around randomly in a village.

Among the villagers are your Silver Bayonet team trying to find who is the werewolf or werewolves. First roll a D3 to determine how many villagers turn. Then roll a dice to determine which of the villagers turn and replace the villager model with a werewolf model during the initial transformation.

These werewolves spend a whole turn in this state and during their turn they will attack the other villagers and your team members.  Your duty is to put these rabid werewolves down before they change to a fully fledged werewolf during the second turn and protect the villagers from being eaten.

Once again I do not have a fully written scenario as I am still experimenting, but the scenarios will come eventually.

A werewolf during the first turn of his transformation.A werewolf during the first turn of his transformation.

Something I am trying very hard to keep and putting emphasis on is scale. As you can see from the picture, I did  not want ogre-sized werewolves – except for the Primogenitor.   The main werewolves had to be slightly larger than human; the alpha slightly bigger than a normal werewolf; and finally the monstrous Primogenitor.

I think my choices reflect my vision for my werewolf well and I am quite happy with them and now I can start to paint them up.

Scale is everything!Scale is everything!

That is all for today. Hopefully I will more models painted by Sunday.

Until then have fun and stay safe.


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American Werewolf? XD

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