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Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

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Let's build a shield generator!

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 12

I built a shield generator like the Rebel one on Hoth, only with two coils instead of four. The part is as big as a medium-sized building and towers over trooper figures by more than twice their height. I had to do a lot of sanding on the part to get everything nice and flat, round, centred and sharply defined. With such a geometry, small deviations can lead to problems later. Here is the finished model – I am still thinking about whether or not to add details to the recesses of the two coils:

Let's build a shield generator!
Let's build a shield generator!
Let's build a shield generator!

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uglebfourtytwodarthcheese Recent comment authors
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Is this 3D printed or did you scratch build it?

Cult of Games Member

Good effort! I think some detailing inside the coils would set it off, but honestly it looks good without.

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