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2022 a year for resolutions... right?

2022 a year for resolutions... right?

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I didn't get distracted! You got distracted!

Tutoring 12
Skill 10
Idea 11

So I’m still painting on my Clan Wren minis and they are almost done… but I needed something different.

Next to me there sitting silicone moulds from Green Stuff World and I never used them. So on Friday night I just went to town. The first batch (and the rest of my casting material) didn’t go too well. Most parts where way to thin and broke when I de-moulded them. So on Saturday of to the local arts ant crafts store and some more casting material is bought.

This time I made more material as I didn’t have enough in attempt #1 and used a metal spatula to scrape the top of. That helped a lot in regards of filling everything and not having to sand things down later.

Some of the broken pieces (the wall parts in the upper left corner of the picture, the arch- and doorways) have been glued back to back with intact parts from the second cast. So now I have some parts that actually are usable.

I really don’t know when or if I’ll ever need these parts… but I have them now. May even cast up some more… because you can never have not enough tiles can you?

roughly 600g of castings roughly 600g of castings

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Cult of Games Member

You can use them for basing or perhaps a vignette.

Cult of Games Member

They look very nice for Frostgrave

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