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The (Solo) Adventures of Solomon Kane

The (Solo) Adventures of Solomon Kane

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The Witchfinder General: Conclusion

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Solomon Kane completes his testimony against the Witchfinder General and the mood of the crowd changes tangibly.

“This is a heretic bearing false witness”, splutters Hopkins desperately. “If you believe this liar, you’re doing the Devil’s work!”

“Get ‘I’m”, shouts someone from the crowd, and as one they surge forward. The Witchfnder’s guards are pummeled and kicked, and beat a hasty retreat. Hopkins draws his sword and slashes at a villager lunging for him, but the blow is deflected by Solomon Kane’s blade. the Roundheads and the magistrate’s guards push through the throng and seize Hopkins.

“What shall we do with him?” the magistrate asks Kane.

Kane turns to Thomas, “Well?”

“My Jessica was ducked in the pond by this monster, I say we give him a taste of his own medicine”.

The verdict is popular and a protesting Hopkins is dragged to the pond and ducked below the surface thrice. His sodden, semi-sensate body is hauled from the water and dumped at the county border. Kane moves on to his next adventure, where some weeks later the news reaches him that the Witchfinder General had died from a flux of the lungs, likely brought about by his ducking. Justice has been served.

New adventures await our indomitable Puritan.

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