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Civs foray into his own plastic addiction

Civs foray into his own plastic addiction

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Middenheim state troops

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Middenheim state troops
The shield design id like to use, the white wolfThe shield design id like to use, the white wolf

Finished my Middenheim halberdiers, wanted to give them some appropriate shields without the hassle of freehanding the wolf designs that i really like.


Fortunatley i was shown how to create 3d images of pictures and lay them on top of other 3d files. This means i can take iconography from the empire heraldry book and turn them into designs on shields which i can then print.

Theoretically i should be able to do this with banners as well. I have some i have created on my printer at the moment so will see how they come out.

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