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Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

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The hardest choices require the strongest wills...with great power comes great responsibility

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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And so now we reach the end of the beginning…aka Christmas.  The last two boxes I received as gifts this year.  The first is Thanos the Mad Titan who is both a playable character and also an Ultimate Encounter  (which allows one player to take the role of a powered up Thanos and two other players to run teams opposing him).  The second are alternate timeline versions of Spiderman the ever popular Miles Morales and Gwen Stacey (aka Spider-Gwen).

All three were a lot of fun to paint.  One item that was a bit difficult was the webbing on Gwen’s arms.  If you’ll recall an earlier entry the core box Spiderman has the webbing depressed into the model.  In Gwens case it’s raised which I think makes it harder to keep clean.  Some of it might be due to the use of lighter colors as well (pink and teal).  I do want to go back and add a bit of graffiti to her base but I’m happy to have her ready to take to the table.

Jumping back to Thanos, his throne was probably the part that took the most thinking.  All the source art for it just shows it flat grey.  I stuck to that concept but tried breathing some life into it with alternate colors and by adding some energy effects along the base.

As a side note I’ve played through his Ultimate Encounter a few times and it’s a lot of fun.

So, ignoring the terrain from the core pack that brings me to the end of what I currently have for MCP.   Fear not though for reinforcements are on the way.

To expand the X-force Colossus (and Majic), X-23 and Honey Badger will (eventually) be on the way.  Additionally for the X-men two of my favorites, Gambit and Rogue are being released and lastly I ordered Star-Lord for my son as he wants to start a Guardians force.  All are still sitting on pre-order here in the States so…waiting….:)

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