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Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

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Lunch Break!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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One very cool facet of the Deadpool box (and a reason it’s more expensive then most) is that it include his Chimichanga food truck which is a size 3 piece of terrain.  This was a lot of fun, and a fair bit of work, to paint up.

I made things more difficult on myself by deciding to go for a bright, sunset type fade from red to yellow across the sides of the truck.  Unfortunately this was after I primed it with a zenithal highlight which had a fair amount of black on one side.  This made getting the lighter sections a lot harder and I was already too far in by that point to want to redo the base.

The unicorn on the back is just something I added as that big billboard area needed something.

Not sure if it will show on the pictures but I tried to add some depth to the kitchen area.  The trays, drinks and food are all bits included in the kit that you can add in (I also used some on character bases).

Overall it makes for a nice piece and somewhere Bob and DP can hang between missions.

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