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Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

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Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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With the characters from the Core Box done it was time to get back to the faction I planned on playing… the mighty X-force.  To make that happen it was time to get Deadpool’s close personal friend Cable and Domino painted up.

Cable is a very cool model with the option to go with a cape or slung rifle.  Ignoring Edna’s advice I went with the cape as I felt it added a more dynamic element to the sculpt and also allowed for some more color contrast.  In addition to the character himself, the model also includes a cool telekinetic shield.  I painted this separate from the rest of the model and added it on afterwards.   I did the same for the cape/head which made hitting all the bits of gear on his body a lot easier.

Domino was another character who had a lot of different (either subtly or significantly) versions of her art style.  In the end I picked one I liked and that seemed to fit the model and rolled with it.  Figuring out where exactly some of the lines of color should be took a bit of teasing out but I got there.

Her pose riding an explosion pretty much required OSL  I probably could have gone for a stronger contrast on some of the debris but am happy with how it ended up.  Speaking of which, figuring out what was debris and what was explosion/smoke was tough in some sections.  In the end I think it’s just a mater of “you decide”. 🙂

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