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Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

Deadpool kills...err..paints the Marvel Universe

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What makes you think we're bad guys? (pt2)

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Finally we have the two big boys of the Core Set Doc Oct and Ultron.

Doc Oct was fairly straightforward as far as the model goes but all that yellow was a pain to build up (Painting MCP has made me realize how many heroes/villains shop in the Yellow section of the costume store).  The model is fairly static but I like it well enough.  The newer version AMG released is pretty impressive though.

Ultron presented two challenges.  The first was to make sure he didn’t end up just looking like a lump of grey.  I tried to get some good contrast between the inner body and the outer armor to help with that.  The second was all those plates.  Most had good borders to delineate where one stopped and another started but some of the patterns could be a bit confusing.

Once again I tried to add a bit of a depth effect to the base to tie the sculpted terrain on the mini to the base.

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