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Hole for my Mole

Hole for my Mole

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Project Entry by pojoh Cult of Games Member

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Flocking good time ...

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I love this terrain from Sarissa, simple build in about 30 min.   I did break the original flag for the mailbox, but thankfully found a chunk from the build that I could use, and honestly looks better than the original piece.

I primed the piece black … nice simple.    I’m always in a hurry due to being old, impatient, and also at the command of a 12 year old, and a raving 2 year old.    My build reflects my impatience lol

Painting the grate with Leadbelcher and then added some Vallejo rust affect seems to work for the dirty, I get wet all the time look.    I then Mailbox with an almost dried out Citadel blue color (the name of which escapes me) .. and the post on which the box lies on a simple leadbelcher.  .    The walk way is a simple grey drybrushed with a light grey and a Privateer Press Underbelly blue and then dashed upon with some Agrax Earthshade.

Once what I have more time, I will do more flocking and add some flowers and such pretty-ment.   Now .. where did I put the flowers??

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