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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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Book Five: City of Thieves

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 11
One of my favourites in the series introduces us to Port Blacksand which is still my favourite fantasy city. Hired by the people of Silverton to kill the villain zanbar Bone you have to first find the wizard Nicodemus in the city and then the items needed to defeat Mr Bone. The artist Ian McCaig did s fantastic job on bringing the city to life and would later go on to design the look of Darth Maul. Looking at Bone on the original cover, that's no surprise.One of my favourites in the series introduces us to Port Blacksand which is still my favourite fantasy city. Hired by the people of Silverton to kill the villain zanbar Bone you have to first find the wizard Nicodemus in the city and then the items needed to defeat Mr Bone. The artist Ian McCaig did s fantastic job on bringing the city to life and would later go on to design the look of Darth Maul. Looking at Bone on the original cover, that's no surprise.
Nicodemus has a great personality as a grumpy wizard who lives under a bridge in a city of Thieves to avoid being hassled by adventures for help. They joke in a later book that perhaps if he didn't dress as a wizard he wouldn't attract any attention.Nicodemus has a great personality as a grumpy wizard who lives under a bridge in a city of Thieves to avoid being hassled by adventures for help. They joke in a later book that perhaps if he didn't dress as a wizard he wouldn't attract any attention.
Book Five: City of Thieves
We don't get a map of Blacksand until the Titan guide book and then Midnight rogue but it's fully explored in the advanced fighting fantasy book Blacksand.We don't get a map of Blacksand until the Titan guide book and then Midnight rogue but it's fully explored in the advanced fighting fantasy book Blacksand.
In recent years Livingston has written a book called Assassin's of Allansia which is a direct sequel to city if Thieves. After slaying Zanbar Bone Prince Azure if Blacksand sends assassin's to kill you. It ends at death trap dungeon creating a trilogy which was a nice touch linking some if the best in the seriesIn recent years Livingston has written a book called Assassin's of Allansia which is a direct sequel to city if Thieves. After slaying Zanbar Bone Prince Azure if Blacksand sends assassin's to kill you. It ends at death trap dungeon creating a trilogy which was a nice touch linking some if the best in the series

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Cult of Games Member

One of my favourites too! By the way, do you know if the FF miniatures are still readily available somewhere or are they out of production or will they command exorbitant prices on auction sites?

Cult of Games Member

Otherworld Miniatures have a couple of FF models in their range too.


Really fun reading your project 🙂
I read most of the books about 20 years ago (…), but I bought a few FF books about 2-3 years ago. I still enjoy reading them.

Cult of Games Member

Also one of my favourites as well. I think I completed it on the first run through though…

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