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A Journey Into Inq28 & Warhammer 40,000 =][=

A Journey Into Inq28 & Warhammer 40,000 =][=

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Inquisitorial Psyker

Tutoring 10
Skill 13
Idea 12

I view this chap as a member of the Astra Militarum who had the unfortunate pleasure of meeting my Inquisitor when he was on the battlefield.

Only the two of them made it out and the Inquisitor decided that he would be handy to have around so he was given a new coat and now has to follow him into all sorts of hives of scum and villainy.

I like to think that he is utterly pathetic but holds legitimate grievances with the Inquisitor as he throws him into terrible, terrible situations.

I enjoyed doing the pale skin on this chap to match the look of the Daemonhost. This was also a good testbed for that black and red scheme I want to do across the entire warband/army.

Whilst this fellow is going to be on a normal base, I am interested in switching them all over to the matching Necromunda bases that I’ll be using once the Palanite Enforcers appear.

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brennonhairybrainsrayzryr Recent comment authors
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A very striking colour scheme @brennon quite sinister. Especially with the pale skin.

Cult of Games Member

Very nice colour scheme, I like the contrast of the white face and the dark coat.
Strangely I used my £10 voucher from warhammer+ to order some astra militarum psykers (one of whom is that figure) & cadian snipers and they sent metal miniatures, I didnt think GW did metal any more!

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