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Star Wars Rebels Painting

Star Wars Rebels Painting

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The magic of drybrush and wash

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

Tonight I finished operative Luke. I started with a drybrush and then some different washes.

The suit and his boots was drybrushed with AP Uniform Grey.

The light saber got a drybrush of AP matt white, very lightly so you still can see the very aggressive green.

The suit, belt,sword handle, boots and gloves was washed with GW Nuln Oil

His hair And skin was was washed with Gw Seraphim Sepia

I dident use any washes on the light saber, because it need to be bright and green.

And that’s what I did. I managed to start on the base, but will finish it tomorrow, with turfs and such.

The brown base material I’m using is from AP, and is called brown battleground.

And ofcourse I had company while painting, my chunky boy chewie?

But all in all I’m very pleased with the result. Its just amazing what a drybrush/highlight and wash can do to a model.

From the frontFrom the front
From the backFrom the back
The Brown BattlegroundThe Brown Battleground
I'm not a cat or dog person, I really don't see why I should choose ?I'm not a cat or dog person, I really don't see why I should choose ?

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Cult of Games Member

Nice work. I’d give the boots a lick of brush on varnish. Most boots in SW are “shiny”. At least in my memory of the original trilogy 😉

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