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Silver Bayonet

Silver Bayonet

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Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9

One of the scenarios has goblins in the mix and they seem pretty strong. This goblin is from Atlantis Miniatures and is a lovely resin mini and I picked up 6 at Salute. It feels like 6 will be plenty for my games of Silver Bayonet.

Deathguard Green primed, with an Athonian Camoshade wash over everything. Then Wraithbone on the loin cloth, Morghast Bone on the ropes and fur and Mornfang Brown on the leather and wood. Then a mix of Agrax Earthshade and Aggaros Dunes Contrast to grime things up a bit. Vallejo Air Chrome on the axe and shoulder armour with Nulin Oil to knock the stark shine back a touch. Trollslayer Orange eyes and warpglow green? on the tongue.

But he looks better with a hat. The hat was perched a bit high, so I painted a white and blue headscarf showing under it.But he looks better with a hat. The hat was perched a bit high, so I painted a white and blue headscarf showing under it.

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dugthefug1644buggeroff Recent comment authors
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Cult of Games Member

Great project. Well done. Looking forward to seeing more ??

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