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Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

Spring Cleaning - with an AT-AT!

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The Turbolaser Defence Tower is painted now, and also received some colour...

Tutoring 11
Skill 18
Idea 16
1 Comment

My first terrain piece is an Imperial Turbolaser Defence Turret – a large gun turret on a concrete tower with a balustrade for defence against attacks from the ground. The whole model is completely self-built from plastic cardboard, paper clip wire and a few LEGO elements. I took my inspiration from the design of the turbolaser towers on the Death Stars, which were also built as planetary defences as seen in REBELS. The tower already shows some signs of weathering, and during a morning inspection the Imperial personnel noticed that their turbolaser tower had been secretly decorated with colours during the night, contrary to all Imperial regulations. The Imperial officer immediately asked for reinforcements, because she has heard that the art style of the graffiti corresponds to that of a notorious and wanted rebel of Mandalorian origin, known for explosive activities and called ‘Artist’ by some stormtroopers…

The Turbolaser Defence Tower is painted now, and also received some colour...
The Turbolaser Defence Tower is painted now, and also received some colour...
The Turbolaser Defence Tower is painted now, and also received some colour...
The Turbolaser Defence Tower is painted now, and also received some colour...

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Cult of Games Member

The graffiti is a nice touch.

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