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It takes a village to....

It takes a village to....

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Mostly glamourshots.

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 10

I can’t find my groove at the moment, so made very little progress.
I was finally ready to put the roofs on the models so I thought I made some nice shots of them.
There’s some detailing to be done and openings to hide.
I also made some promissing first steps on the furniture, but that’s for another update when I actually have something to show.

I cut some card into the correct sizes for the last of the roofing and added the thatch over it as already shown.
I made the fur covering this way to big and cut it into shape when dry.

Should’ve made a final piece as one of the roofs has a piece cut out, for the interior fire place.
Glued these into place and cut the holes into the thatch of the roofs.
Then made some pretty pictures.

Mostly glamourshots.
Mostly glamourshots.
Mostly glamourshots.
Mostly glamourshots.

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Cult of Games Member

Thatch should do it. Lol… good going on the project. It really is turning out well

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