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A Fighting Fantasy Journey

A Fighting Fantasy Journey

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Book Four: Starship Traveller

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 12
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The star mapThe star map
Some of the art is very hit and miss for me in this one. Sometimes the stark approach fits the setting and on other occasions just seems a bit too void of detail or personality compared to what had come before it but I suppose it suits the hard sci fi universe.Some of the art is very hit and miss for me in this one. Sometimes the stark approach fits the setting and on other occasions just seems a bit too void of detail or personality compared to what had come before it but I suppose it suits the hard sci fi universe.
My original version dates from the initial release before the green spines. I spotted it on a charity table in Sainsbury's. The first if the science fiction stories in the collection. Fir some reason they never seem as popular as the fantasy ones. Star Trek was clearly the inspiration for this one as you captain the starship traveller through unknown space trying to find the coordinates to get home. Every planet you visit you get to choose which crew to take with you. There are some interesting planets such as the world where people live for ever so the government kills people at random to keep the population down and funny events such as being beemed down into someone. I never thought much if this book but I gave it another shot and found some parts entertaining even if it wasn't my cup of tea. Another thing to note is that no miniatures have been made based in this books stark art or any other science fiction outing in the series. My original version dates from the initial release before the green spines. I spotted it on a charity table in Sainsbury's. The first if the science fiction stories in the collection. Fir some reason they never seem as popular as the fantasy ones. Star Trek was clearly the inspiration for this one as you captain the starship traveller through unknown space trying to find the coordinates to get home. Every planet you visit you get to choose which crew to take with you. There are some interesting planets such as the world where people live for ever so the government kills people at random to keep the population down and funny events such as being beemed down into someone. I never thought much if this book but I gave it another shot and found some parts entertaining even if it wasn't my cup of tea. Another thing to note is that no miniatures have been made based in this books stark art or any other science fiction outing in the series.
Best line in the book. I'm so imatureBest line in the book. I'm so imature

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