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FoW: Vietnam by Andre77

FoW: Vietnam by Andre77

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Review 2021, Mudroads, Objectives

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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PAVN and NLF donePAVN and NLF done
US Infantry doneUS Infantry done
Brown Water Navy + Battlefield doneBrown Water Navy + Battlefield done
On sylvester evening and new year i did some mud roadsOn sylvester evening and new year i did some mud roads
Review 2021, Mudroads, Objectives
Here the USa may build a bridge for youHere the USa may build a bridge for you
Crashed Huey objective markerCrashed Huey objective marker
Ammo bunkers and neutral objective markerAmmo bunkers and neutral objective marker
Pimped BunkerPimped Bunker
Review 2021, Mudroads, Objectives
Trying to fill AK resin water into the rice paddys. Lets wait some days to harden.Trying to fill AK resin water into the rice paddys. Lets wait some days to harden.

This may be my last post for some time. Not everthing is finished, but i want to do some other things. Anyway this run was very productive.

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Cult of Games Member

That’s quite an accomplishment for one year, super impressive!

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