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"Hola amigo, I come to suck your blood!"

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El Culto a los Gringos Satánicos

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11

Hi everyone,

I would like to present some extra profiles for scenarios in games of TSB.  After playing a lot of solo games during the Xmas shutdown, I wanted to increase the stakes and diversity of the monsters available.

Today I am presenting my cultists which I have used to good and interesting effect.  I have not finalized any scenario just yet, but anyone can use them as is in their own scenarios.  Below I have two PDF’s with the profiles and a new weapon.


The CultThe Cult

The first up are the leaders – the Magos and the Magos Acolyte.  You can only have one of each in a scenario at any time.  So if the Magos is in the game and dies, you cannot bring in another Magos.

The Magos and the Magos Acolyte both have access to spells, with a few modifications.  The Manipulate spell allows a cultist to reroll one die during its turn.

The Magos Cult Leader also has the attribute Skinshift.  This attribute allows the Magos to become a possessed figure.

Next up are Cult Bodyguard and Cult Assassin.  These are the fighting arm of the Cult. Like the leaders, you can only ever have one the them in the game.

The Cult Bodyguard has a +2 to its Melee stat and a modified attribute ‘Hard to Put Down‘.  Once per game (after the Bodyguard has been hit), when calculating the amount of damage the Bodyguard receives, you may force the enemy to reroll  the Power or Skill die causing the damage.

The Cult Assassin has a +1 to its Melee and Accuracy as well as the attributes ‘Master of Cover‘, and ‘Nimble‘.  They also have a new weapon – a throwing knife (see the PDF).

The last entry is the Cult Priest.  They are basically higher level Cultists normally from the upper classes of society or with higher education.  Their profiles are the same, but they gain the attribute ‘Medic’. They can be distinguished by more elaborate robes. You can only ever have up to two Cult Priests in a game.

The last are the cultists as presented in the main rulebook.  These are the riff-raff, brainwashed fools who think they are the righteous warriors of the apocalypse.

I have only played solo games until now; but I find that introducing the Bodyguard, the Assassin and the Priests into the game via the clue markers makes for better play.

The Magos and the Magos Acolyte I like to place directly onto the table near their sacrificial altar or summoning circle.

I hope you find this quick article interesting and helpful.  I will be posting more of these profiles for Werewolves, Ghouls and Vampires.  I just need to play a few more games before posting the profiles.

Have fun!


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Cult of Games Member

The skin shift magus looks like she’s very … horny XD

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